Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's not that I don't feel like blogging. I just don't feel like I have much to say. I do have one thing I want to share, but it requires me uploading pictures from my camera and I'm just not in the mood to do that.

I don't know why I'm feeling blah. I just am not interested in writing these days. I think that's probably a strange thing for me to type, since I'm actually writing this blog right now. Oh, and there's that whole day job that requires me to write for my paycheck. Yeah. I LOVE writing about fires that are already out but we sent the chopper so you must make it seem newsworthy. Oh, and the robberies, too! Aren't they inspiring? Some joint gets held up, we shoot it, then - BAM! It's on TV! Doesn't that make you want to watch the news?

I'm hoping to find something that makes me want to get back to writing soon. I haven't touched the book in a few weeks, but getting the stories from my friends has made me laugh and think I need to get to putting those in the book! If you haven't shared your gift story with me yet, what are you waiting for???

Until next time...

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