OK. The last time I wrote one of these, I had lots of comments. Here's the deal. I love my
DVR. It makes it very easy for me to watch more shows - and rule some out quickly. Also, I get home late at night and there's not much for me to do before bed. What am I supposed to do while I'm doing loads of laundry? So now I ask you to withhold your judgment. Just tell me what you are or aren't watching. Here goes.
How I Met Your Mother Here's the deal. I no longer care how Ted meets his kids' mother. I only care about Barney. OK. I care about the other characters, too. But this show is NOTHING without Neil Patrick Harris. Watch it. I dare you not to laugh at his antics!
Dancing With The Stars Yes, it's silly. But I absolutely love the awkward moments with people old enough to be my parents doing the samba with someone who's younger than me. I also like to find fault with the dancing-challenged. Look. I haven't had a dance lesson since I was four. I think that qualifies me to be a dance critic.
Dancing With The Stars It's elimination night. Of
course I'm going to watch!
So You Think You Can Dance I'm on the fence with this one. I have liked it as a summer show. But the couple of audition rounds have not exactly wowed me. If it doesn't pick up, or if I don't spot a couple of dancers who make me want to stick around, I'll cut it loose.
You hear that, Fox? Woo me!Wednesday:
The Middle This is a new show. Like all new shows, I'm keeping it on a tight leash. The promos look funny, so I'll give it some time. If it doesn't make me giggle, it might be the first show I cut loose.
Modern Family I think this one has the most potential. It has an interesting cast. And I have read a few good things about this one. It had better deliver, or else it's deleted from my lineup.
Cougar Town Before you make a comment about me trying to pick up some Cougar tips, I'll have you know I'm too young to be a Cougar (besides, I'd rather have a Sugar Daddy). That said, I love a train wreck and simply can't look away.
So You Think You Can Dance It's elimination night!
Glee This is the gayest show I've ever seen. And there's absolutely
NOTHING wrong with that. It's silly. It's fun. And, I'm not gonna lie, I enjoy singing along with the silly songs. I am certain gay teens across America are rejoicing that there's a non-reality show targeting them...and
thirtysomethings don't mind it, either.
Flash Forward Maybe it's because I miss Lost, but I'm willing to check this one out. If it drags, I'll say
Grey's Anatomy Before you roll your eyes, let me just say I was *this* close to cutting this show until I learned Katherine
Heigl will be missing from a handful of episodes. If I find myself wondering where the
show's going, I'll cut it. This was a big problem for me, as Fox moved
Fringe to Thursdays at the same time. I've decided to wait for Fringe to be released on DVD so I can watch the whole season at once (like I do with
Dexter). I hope ABC doesn't make me regret this!
SNL Weekend Update Here's the deal, this is not on
every week, so I don't feel like adding it is that big of a deal.
Parks and Recreation This show started slow in the Spring, but it has started off well. From Amy
Poehler's "Leslie
Knope" rapping a Will Smith song to her singing "Poker Face" made me laugh out loud. It might be the first time I've laughed more than once at the show. It's finding its way.
The Office I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with the show last season. I think the only episode that was truly funny was the Superbowl episode. But the first episode this season made me laugh quite a bit. It appears to be back (?).
Community I'm not gonna lie, the main reason I am checking this out is the cast. I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint me like some movies I've chosen (I maintain a cast full of funny people does not necessarily make for a fun time).
30 Rock Love this show! I miss it! I have to wait until next month for it to return, but I know it'll make me laugh.
No pressure, Tina Fey!Friday:Ugly Betty I don't know why ABC is trying to kill this show. I'm interested in the changes they're making - Betty's losing her braces, getting a new hairstyle, dressing better. I'm thinking they're preparing to end it. After all, the Spanish version had Betty getting a makeover and falling in love. If only American shows would decide when they're going to end their run, I wouldn't feel like I'm sticking with the show so I can get closure.
FTR: I stuck with ER until the very end. See what I mean about closure?Sunday:Desperate Housewives I'm not sure why I'm still watching this. Mark Cherry, you're on notice. If I'm not feeling it after the first few episodes, I'm done.
Mad Men I know I have been singing this
show's praises for a while, but it is one of my very favorite shows! It's like watching a little movie each week. It is smart, sexy and such fun! If you're not watching this show, you are missing out on the best television has to offer!
Curb Your Enthusiasm If you weren't checking this out before, consider this: a pseudo-Seinfeld reunion is happening this season.
Bored To Death This one has potential (despite some of the bad reviews I've seen). I'll give it a few episodes.
Entourage Still watching for Ari and Lloyd, not Vince and the boys.
So there you have it. Again, keep your judgment about how many hours of television I'll be watching to yourself. Tell me what you're watching and what (if anything) I'm missing.