Mark Paul Gosselaar can't catch a break. Maybe I should have watched that show. Nope. There's no way it was as good as "Saved By The Bell."
I refuse to get on board with the "Yogi Bear" movie.
I absolutely ♥ Alec Baldwin on "30 Rock." If he really and truly gets out of entertainment after that show, I might cry. Or buy the DVDs so I can always get a giggle.
Here's why you should NOT call Anthony Michael Hall "Farmer Ted."
Just when I was thinking ABC has finally hit its comedic stride, I read this.
I know I've made fun of Jessica Simpson before (um, have you read her quotes or seen her in mom jeans?), but I honestly don't get why this dress had bloggers saying she's "curvy" (that's the nice word I've seen).
Cindy Crawford has used Botox. I thought it was her skin care line that made her face look awesome?
Mr. Big is not so big.
That mom from "Family Ties" likes the ladies.
Pretty good news for "Ugly Betty!"
You can hate her because she's dating George Clooney or you can hate her because she looks like this.
A few years ago, I never would have thought I'd say this: Happy 28th Birthday, Britney! Oh, and if you are looking for more bikini links, here's a Britney bikini parade.
Hey! Look what I found: Lady GaGa looking and sounding normal! Someone owes me $20!
In Rihanna's defense, not many people like being frisked at the airport.
*GASP* The scandal! Taylor Swift nearly naked!
And because I refrained from linking you to Tiger Woods stories today, I'm giving you a link to some Tiger fun.

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