Friday, June 19, 2009

Week in Pop Culture

WOW! Bruce Willis likes to get naked with his new wife (no idea who she is). And they like to do it for magazines. Um, attention whores?

That John Mayer! He's so funny...and he's a douche. Guess which one of those terms of endearment is how I really feel?

Speaking of douches...this guy totally gives Mayer a run for the title.

It is NOT a secret that Jennifer Aniston is not good in movies. Or was she being funny? I'm confused.

For being the world's "biggest celebrities," Speidi certainly are sensitive. I mean, who's afraid of Al Roker? Oh. Speidi.

The folks over at The Frisky found Megan Fox's flaw: toe thumbs. Yeah. She's hideous.

Dolly Parton inspired the Girl Scouts. It has nothing to do with her boobies!

Chasity Bono, now Chaz, is out showing off his new manly look. Can you tell?

Victoria Beckham decided bigger isn't always better when it comes to her chest.

Mariah Carey released her new single "Obsessed." I don't so much care about the song as I want to know who touched up her photo. I want to hire that person to work on some of my photos.

Who knew?!? Michael Jackson is training for his new tour with The Hulk!

Jennifer Love Hewitt's writing a book on dating. A WHOLE BOOK. I can sum it up in one sentence: DON'T DATE DOUCHEBAGS!

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