I am officially convinced Gerard Butler will make out with anything with lips.
You know that reboot of a show Jessica Simpson's sister was on? She thinks it's crap.
JS also bonded over boobs with Dolly.
Forget her big behind - what the heck is going on with Kim Kardashian's boobs?
In case you missed 'em, here are some other "famous" folk in their costumes.
Kate Hudson lost 20 pounds for a movie. Hmmm. Good for her. She was SO fat before that movie.
So, Kirstie Alley's using her weight issue to get a reality show. Unless she's shoveling HoHos in her mouth by the dozen, I'm not interested. OK. Maybe I am just a little.
If I decide to have work done on my face, I want Cher's doctor to do it.
There's no disputing Leona Lewis can sing.Remembering lyrics, well...
I'm thinking I need to become slightly famous and develop a drug/alcohol habit.
Kathy Griffin is bringing her snark to ABC this month for yet ANOTHER dance show.
I don't know who this lady is, but she's apparently famous in London - and now I'm wondering what she was thinking when she left home to go out to an event.
Steve Martin & Alec Baldwin are hosting the Oscars.
There are no new ideas in Hollywood. Here's proof.
Oh, People Magazine! It's so cute how you pay tribute to dudes who don't like to wear shirts!
So, let me get this straight. It's OK to enter a beauty pageant with the boobs the contest bought you, speak out against gay marriage and make a sex tape? America - what a country!
What lengths are tabloids willing to go to to prove Josh Duhamel cheated on Fergie with a stripper? Polygraph.
Brad Pitt might be a pirate.
Oh, COME ON, Australia! No one pays good money for a Britney Spears concert expecting her to sing live.
Jeremy Piven sprouted manboobs.
And speaking of manboobs...

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