OK, now that the second season of "
Mad Men" is complete, sigh, I have to say I hate to see it go! Yes, I have plenty of other television to watch, but this is one show that I will watch over and over again. And not just because of Jon

I mean, he's handsome (or
hammsome, if you will). But there is not one person on this show who is not fantastic! If you have not watched this show, you are missing out on one fine hour of television. It really is one of the best shows on TV right now. If they don't rerun the show from its beginning (and it's
AMC, so I besides reruns of old movies, I don't know what else they would do), get to a rental store or go online and watch it! You will not be disappointed!
Last night's finale was fantastic! I hate that I have to wait until next year to find out what happens next! If you saw it, let's discuss in the comments section.
OK - I'm over the shock of women smoking while pregnant. But I was mesmerized by the whole Cuban Missile Crisis and how it played to the fears not only of ordinary people, but of these advertising gurus who were spinning things before Fox News came around.
Betty & Don? I'm happy they're back together, but now that they're "even" (kinda), can they live happily ever after?
And Peggy dropping that little bomb on Pete (I suppose pun IS intended), wow! What the heck will he do with that bomb?
Will Sterling Cooper really merge with that stuffy Brit company? Will Duck take charge of it? I kind of hope he doesn't.
2009 can't get here soon enough!
It was the BEST episode of the season. I can't count how many times my jaw dropped or I said "Oh MY God." It might be the best episode of any TV show I've ever watched (and that includes the SATC Aidan/Carrie breakup.)
My predictions:
- Duck is out. Don stays in.
- Betty has the baby, but the show will pick up after the birth.
- There's no way Pete and Peggy are over.
- But JOAN? No closure for Joan. I hope she doesn't get married to that rapist dirtbag.
Matt Weiner is a genius (excepting that California episode.)
Yeah, that California episode was random.
I'm curious to see how far into the future they go next season. I'm thinking about buying the series - it's THAT good!
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