Yes, Helen Mirren was uh-MAZE-eeng as Queen Elizabeth. But I could not take my eyes off of this guy playing Tony Blair! I mean, he was the voice of reason to an old lady with a great hat and super conservative bag.
I never thought The Queen loved Princess Diana. But I absolutely believed Michael Sheen's Tony Blair when he convinced the old lady to allow a public tribute to the Princess. He was a young Prime Minister, finding his way. He stood up to HRH with respect. She listened.
Who is this guy? And why am I wanting him to star in a movie about Tony Blair? That's all I could think of when I was sitting in the theater watching that film. So, I waited for his next move.

But there was something about this film that revealed Nixon's desire to be accepted and understood. Knowing it was based on actual interviews, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Nixon. But perhaps it's the news person in me that felt more sorry for David Frost. Nixon was a big "get." It was getting him to actually sit down and talk that was an even bigger chore.
Michael Sheen showed the agony anyone who's ever scored a victory, only to wonder if it's all that it's cracked up to be, slip through his fingers. There were moments of pure brilliance in both performances. But I kept wondering who was capturing my eye more. And every time Michael Sheen was on screen, I knew he was the winner.

You should know that I don't really love soccer - or football as it's called here. I didn't know anything about Brian Clough. But by the end of the film, I absolutely LOVED this guy! He would do anything to build a team and make it good. Then, he'd move on. He had ambition. He loved the sport. And by the end, I wanted more.
Seeing the real footage of Clough made me see just how brilliant Michael Sheen is. I will not hesitate to get to the theater on opening weekend whenever I know he's starring in a film.
Maybe you don't love movies as much as I do. That's OK. We can still be friends. But I ask you to check out "30 Rock." Michael Sheen has been hilarious there!
I cannot WAIT until he returns in May!
So, the secret's out: Michael Sheen, I adore you!
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