What's not to love about Danny DeVito? I guess if you're foot-phobic, you probably should not follow him on Twitter. You should also stop reading now. Friends, I present the Little Piggies of Mr. DeVito.
This morning, while checking my email, I couldn't resist clicking on the message that promised 20% off my entire order from Borders (not that I need any more books as I have a stack of six books waiting to be read sitting on my nightstand). At the top of the message, the Bordersbot chose three books it thought I might like.
Yes! Right on, Borders!
The only problem: I read this book last year. I really liked it, but I don't need to buy it again. Borders should know that, since I am fairly certain I bought it from them. Don't they have computers to keep tabs of things like that?
Another hit!
Like the last one, I have also read this and loved it. I'm also pretty sure I bought it at Borders. Now, every time I buy a book from Borders (or Barnes & Noble), I use my member card to rack up points towards big bargains on more books. So, how did the Bordersbot not recognize that I already own this? I shrugged my shoulders on this, but the third recommendation made me a wee bit ragey.
I am ashamed to admit I bought this - but not for myself. I bought it as a "gift" for someone else (Trevor, don't even pretend that you didn't read it!). I was embarrassed to stand in the checkout line holding this. I didn't even flip through the pages because I didn't want some stranger to judge me (I had already judged myself as slightly douchey that day).
Again, I swiped my members card with this purchase. So how the heck does this happen? Is there some flaw in the Borders recommendation machine? Is this why they're struggling to stay afloat? Are they counting on me losing my short-term memory? Should I really be asking so many questions before I've had my 8th cup of coffee?
I don't know. But I'm so annoyed, I'm not even going to save that 20% off coupon that was just below those recommendations. At least that's what I'm telling myself right now. Seriously. I cannot buy more books. They are teetering on the edge of the nightstand and may crush me in my sleep. That's in my rotation of bad dreams - somewhere between sharks eating me and being lost in a zoo with talking animals playing tricks on me.
While the temperature here is hovering around the century mark, I've been freezing at work. I'm not complaining about the cold - well at least most of me isn't. My fingers have gotten so cold, they seem to be refusing to hit the right keys while I type. So, I decided I need some fingerless gloves to keep my hands warm and functioning. Have you ever tried finding cold weather gear in a place that only has cold weather for about two months out of the year? It's nearly impossible. God bless the Internet!
I turned to Etsy - home of the crafty folks looking to make a buck (or more). Now, this is what I had in mind when I started looking:
Nice, knitted gloves with fingers exposed to allow for typing (or texting/Tweeting/Facebooking on my phone when I can wear these in our winter weeks). Browsing a little further turned up these options:
I never thought fingerless gloves could be sexy! And who knew hands could have so much, um, personality?
I suppose if I worked in a sex toy factory - or had a part-time gig as a dominatrix who worked in a freezer, these would be good options. However, I work in a much tamer environment (mostly). These are just not for me. Unless I want attention. Or a trip to HR.
I haven't read any of the Sookie Stackhouse books (I may do that when the show ends), so I am on the edge of my seat waiting for this series to start. As if a war between vampires, werewolves and humans isn't enough - they're throwing witches in the mix!
If you've never seen the show, you should know it's naughty (it's on HBO, so that shouldn't surprise you). In fact, last season, I became fixated on some of the naughty bits. I tracked the following:
F*#k: 286Sex: 12.5
Hooker: 3
That's how many time the f-bomb was used, how many times there were sex scenes and how many times Lafayette called someone a hooker. I think I'll track it again this season and see if they can top that!
Two things about this photo: 1) Halle Berry's daughter is adorable; 2) The holes in her top tank make it look like she has blue nipples (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I have seen these commercials and quickly dismissed them.
Don't ALL cars go "zoom" if you put a little pressure on the gas pedal? I guess that's not good enough for some. Take a look at what this driver has done:
I spotted this one on my way to work recently. Can you see why I rolled my eyes, then snapped a picture?
Mazda lovers aren't the only one showing their pride in their cars. Take a look at what my friend Adam spotted.
After you're done punching someone in the arm because you saw this first, take a closer look at this little bug's plate.
El bugo! How cute is that! I didn't even roll my eyes just a little bit! Something about those little cars makes me happy - and a plate that celebrates it (in this case) is kinda cute.
Is it just the red cars that do this or are there others out there? I'll let you know if I spy any more.
I don't love the summer heat, but I love some things about summer: an icy cold drink on a sweltering day, a popsicle, sitting by the water, flip flops and, of course, music. I thought I'd give you a little something to be cool on this first day of summer. If you're looking for something to get you in the mood (especially if you're one of the lucky ones who has not been cursed with a few 100 degree days already), maybe these songs will help. Here, in no particular order, are my favorite songs with the word "summer" in the title.
Summer of '69 - Bryan Adams
I wasn't even born in 1969, but there's something about this song that just screams summer fun!
Summer Nights - John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John
Oh, how I love this song! I know it says "summer," but I will sing along to this any time of year!
Cruel Summer - Bananarama
Hearing this as a kid, I remember thinking, "Overalls are cool!" However, growing up along the Texas coast, overalls are anything but cool in the summer. Wait. I get it. Wear overalls in the summer and it's cruel. This song now has a whole new meaning!
Suddenly Last Summer - The Motels
It's becoming obvious how old I am, no? I like that this song isn't peppy - it's a little sad.
Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
This is my favorite summer song! First of all, I like that Jazzy Jeff got top billing in this - even though it was ALL Princed and Fresh. Second, I like that the only video I could find was a performance on "Soul Train." Look at how close he's holding the microphone. Is Will lip synching? The sideways cap, the dance moves - I could watch this over and over. And I might. It's summer summer summertime!
Try as she did to keep it private, it appears Jennifer Lopez's sex tape is out there. And I am beginning to think she wears stuff like this so we'll forget how bad her music is.