Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anchor Man Loves Pastels

This will be a regular segment on this blog. You see, there's an anchorman in town who loves him some Easter egg-colored jackets. When the 5:00 news came on, this is what we saw:

Every time he wears one of these uber-bright jackets, there's a big groan in our newsroom. We all wonder what he's thinking. I mean, I can see a dude wearing that to a fun party. I can even see a dude wearing that back in the Miami Vice heyday. But in 2008? On the television? A credible newsman? Really?

I'll note he has a law degree and there's a chance he may find this blog and want to make some challenges. But nothing I've written here is dishonest or libelous. It's a pink jacket. One of many bright-hued garments he wears. I'll keep documenting them if he keeps wearing them.

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