I couldn't resist that title! I saw the Sex and The City movie very late last night. It was wonderful to see my old friends again - you know, Charlotte, Carrie, Miranda and Samantha! But just getting into the theater was tricky! There were so many ladies (and very few men) in attendance, that the line snaked all the way down the theater hall!
(I took that with my cell phone to show the line ahead of us)
I'm going to post a review in the comments section so I don't ruin it for you if you haven't seen it. I will say that when I got home at 2 A.M., I was happy!
I had basically decided before walking in the theater that I would love this movie. How could it go wrong?
The ladies had settled into "couple-dom." Carrie and Big were so happy, it was almost a little too perfect. That's not why Big doesn't show up at their wedding. Here's the only problem: we never learn what happens to Big that makes him work out his issues and want to be with Carrie.
Carrie was quite weepy as all this was going on. It took a trip to Mexico (the honeymoon she had paid for as a surprise to Big) with the girls for her to snap out of it. Well, it was actually one moment with Charlotte that made her (and the entire theater) laugh again.
I love the way Charlotte came to Carrie's rescue - when Big leaves her and when she sees him months later and confronts him. THAT is a friend!
I've always thought Miranda was a little too whiny and insecure considering she's some big successful lawyer. I suppose the fact that she's a star at work and at home, not so much, is supposed to make her realistic.
Samantha is fighting her inner ho while living with Smith in LA. Her neighbor, Dante, is eye candy - and we get an eyeful of just about every inch of him (mmmhhhmmm - you know what I'm talking about).
I like that in the end, everyone found love - Charlotte had a baby girl (remember, she had adopted the Chinese baby), Miranda and Steve split and were reunited in a very touching moment on the Brooklyn Bridge, Carrie and Big tied the knot in a drama-free moment ceremony at City Hall, and Samantha loved herself enough to leave Smith and return to NYC.
There's talk of a sequel already, though I'm not sure we need it. This was such wonderful closure on one of my favorite TV shows that I feel happy knowing despite all the bumps in the road, the path may not be easily traveled but you'll still get there.
(***Note: that was my Charlotte optimism speaking!***)
If you hadn't guessed by now, I'm a marketer's dream!
I've downloaded the soundtrack and have been listening to it as I write. That show had a fantastic way of using music that makes a scene perfect. Now, when I listen to those songs, I'll think of the movie. And it will (mostly) make me smile!
Oh burn me a copy!!!! :)
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