But come on! That makes me angry!
I want someone from the big oil companies to contact me directly and explain why consumers have to accept that. And that person better make it GOOD.
I'm torn between keeping my old car, which still gets pretty good mileage and is paid off, and buying a hybrid. Either way, I want to make sure that I'm making every gallon go as far as possible. I'm afraid of what the prices may jump up to the next time I fill up!
I stopped that whole "filling it up" thing and started just putting $50 in at a time. I know every week that amount of gas in my tank gets less and less.
Man, Via is looking better everyday!
OOOH! Another deleted comment! I wish I knew what it said!
Filburt, have you looked at a VIA schedule? It will probably take you an hour each way! And on your schedule? I'd say maybe there's someone to carpool with...at least a couple of days a week. Josh and I have been carpooling, except on the days he has to fill in. That stretches a tank of gas a bit!
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