It's sad times when I no longer wait until the little light comes on telling me I need to gas up. Now, when I get near 1/4 tank left, I fill 'er up. Why? Because I'm afraid prices will jump even more by the time I get close to empty, so I take advantage of the price at the moment. Today, was the highest I've paid yet.

I read this, and I felt a little better. Apparently, I'm not the only one irritated with oil companies these days. I have learned something from this. I know that I will be a more cautious consumer - looking at pump prices instead of just stopping at the closest place to me. I will not buy a new car that gets less than 30mpg - no matter how cute it is. I will scream "suck it!" every time I pass a gas station until they lower prices below $3.
Until then, I'll keep updating you with every fill up what I'm paying. What's gas running in your neighborhood? Drop it in the comments!
WOW. You are going to be saying "suck it" a lot because I bet you pass a lot of gas stations on your daily commute. Other drivers are going to think you have tourette's syndrome.
Don't I?
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